Monday, January 4, 2010

January 1, 2010

My first day of officially being vegan! After being out late the night before I didn't wake up until after noon. I started my day with breakfast and then only had dinner.

For breakfast I made oatmeal with apple juice (instead of water) and added cinnamon and Craisins. I also had a blueberry raspberry oat bran muffin from Trader Joe's.

For dinner I made PCRM's Hoppin' John Salad and Kwick Kale.

You may wonder what kale exactly is - as did I. It is a green leafy vegetable that is sometimes used as a garnish on a plate - it is a waste to just use it as a garnish 'cause it is very nutritious and actually quite tasty when sprinkled with vinegar.

I also made a delicious fruit smoothie with apple juice, a banana, frozen berries and flax seed meal.

Going Vegan

After 18 years of being a vegetarian I've decided to go vegan. I've always wanted to do it but I thought it would be too limiting and too difficult - I'm happy to say that I'm finally excited about giving up all animal products and am looking forward to this new adventure. I've never been much of a cook and I lack creativity so cooking is more of a chore than a pleasure. I joined the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) Vegan Kickstart program to help me along the way with recipes and support. I've decided to blog my progress for my own enjoyment and to show others that it can be done.